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Animals to Slauhget Like to Be Cradled

Animals to Slauhget Like to Be Cradled

Slaughter without stunning

Antonio Velarde , Antoni Dalmau , in Advances in Agronomical Animal Welfare , 2022


Slaughter without stunning is mainly carried out for religious slaughter purposes, but also during lawn slaughtering and by small-calibration poultry producers in the The states. If animals are conscious during slaughter, the take chances of suffering increases in iii respects. Get-go, robust restraint of witting animals for neck cutting causes stress, especially if animals are turned on their side or back in rotary casting pens. Second, the incision made in the throat to sever claret vessels involves substantial tissue impairment in areas well supplied with nociceptors. The activation of the protective nociceptive system induces the fauna to feel hurting. 3rd, decease due to sticking is not immediate and there is a period during which the fauna is still conscious and can experience anxiety, hurting, distress, and other suffering. This chapter provides recommendations for improved practices to be adopted during slaughter without stunning, including systematic checks to ascertain when the creature begins to lose consciousness and when consciousness is finally lost.

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Animal Fats and Oils

In Fats and Oils Handbook , 1998

three.two.1.1 Slaughter

Slaughter was described in an overview by Troeger (1993). More detailed information was given past Prändl et al. (1988). It is essential for slaughter houses to strictly follow the rules of hygiene (for Europe issued as an European union directive, with certificates needed). This reduces the run a risk of microbiologic contagion from claws, glaze or hide, sex organs, oral cavity, gullet, and the contents of tummy and intestine. The innards should exist taken from the body in their entirety. Information technology is very important to avoid major damage to the intestine and the lymphatic vessels so as to prevent quick degradation of the fats produced. For details on slaughter house hygiene, encounter the special literature, for example, Prändl.

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H. van de Vis , ... Yard. Bracke , in Encyclopedia of Meat Sciences (Second Edition) , 2014

Slaughter of Farmed Fish

Slaughter is the process for killing of animals intended for man consumption. The term slaughter is besides used to draw killing of animals past haemorrhage. Most farm animals are killed by bleeding. In general, the following steps for slaughtering can be distinguished:


Transport from the rearing enclosure to the slaughterhouse or facility for slaughter at the farm.


Restraint (fixation of an animal for a proper awarding of a stunning method).


Stunning, i.eastward., rendering the animal unconscious and insensible so as to reduce avoidable stress and discomfort earlier killing. The awarding of a method like percussion can be suitable to achieve both stunning and killing; in this example, step iv is not performed.


Killing of the stunned animals.

Figure 1 gives an impression of the four steps used in the slaughter procedure of Atlantic salmon, i.e., lairage, pumping, stunning, and killing.

Figure 1. (a) Stunning and killing of Atlantic salmon: lairage, (b) pumping of fish to the slaughter facilities, (c) electrical stunning after draining the water, and (d) killing the stunned fish by percussion and gill-cutting.

The percussive stunner in Effigy ane(d) is used, as this automobile has the ability to bleed the electrically stunned salmon automatically.

Before transportation of live, farmed fish from a farm to harvest facilities for slaughter at the subcontract, the post-obit procedure is normally carried out: fasting (withholding feed), crowding to facilitate capture of fish for loading into a transport vehicle, unloading of the fish and releasing them (e.chiliad., in holding pen/tank for lairage) before commencing slaughter at the harvest facility or at the facilities for slaughter on the farm. The welfare of farmed fish could be at take chances at each of these steps in the process. However, in this commodity the authors focus on the methods of stunning and killing of farmed fish. For assessment of welfare aspects of stunning methods, the full general provision in the European union (EU) legislation for warm-blooded slaughter animals can exist used as a general term of reference. The general term of reference is met when stunning induces immediate loss of consciousness and sensibility in fish, which lasts until expiry or, when an instantaneous induction is not possible, the animate being should exist rendered unconscious and insensible, without causing avoidable pain and distress.

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Susumu Kumagai , in Encyclopedia of Food Microbiology , 1999

Abattoir Law, and Poultry Slaughtering Business organization Command and Poultry Processing Police

Slaughter and dressing of livestock is prohibited under the regulation of the Abattoir Law when the animals are recognized every bit suffering from the diseases listed in Tabular array i. When the diseases listed in Tabular array two are recognized, the livestock slaughter must take disposal or other measures against the parts indicated in the right-hand column of the table.

The poultry slaughterer is prohibited from slaughtering animals suffering from the diseases listed in Table iii under the regulation of the Poultry Inspection Police force. When the diseases listed in Tabular array 4 are recognized, the poultry slaughterer must take disposal or other measures against the parts indicated in the right-mitt column of the table.

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Volume 1

Temple Grandin , in Encyclopedia of Animal Behavior (Second Edition) , 2022

Slaughter Without Stunning (Kosher and Halal)

Slaughter without stunning is extremely controversial from an beast welfare standpoint. The OIE, the Eu, and the U.s., all allow slaughter without stunning to allow Jews and Muslims to do their religious beliefs. The OIE (2017) slaughter standards state that stressful restraint methods, such as suspension by the limbs, should non be used for mammals. To improve animal welfare, some religious regime will take stunning either immediately earlier or immediately later the throat cutting. Based on observations in over fifty kosher and halal plants where stunning is not immune, the author recommends the post-obit practices should be used to improve fauna welfare during slaughter without stunning.

Restrain the beast in a comfy, upright position – For design information Upright restraint was less stressful compared to shackling and hoisting or inverted restraint. Drawings can exist obtained on "Relevant Websites section" and "Relevant Websites section"

Use a very sharp pocketknife that is twice the width of the neck – The author has observed that knives that are besides short where the tip gouges into the neck will ofttimes crusade tearing struggling. The author has observed that assuasive the wound to shut dorsum over the knife during the cut volition likewise cause struggling. Carefully done kosher slaughter done with the special long knife which prevents gouging by the knife tip acquired piffling or no behavioral reaction from most cattle or chickens (Grandin, 1994; Grandin and Regenstein, 1994). Other researchers have plant that slaughter without stunning causes pain (Gibson et al., 2009a,b). Other problems that may occur in conscious cattle are claret in the respiratory tract (Gregory et al., 2008) and arteries that seal off and restrict rapid bleedout (Gregory et al., 2012a,b). Cut the neck close to the C1 vertebrae position facilitates quicker loss of posture and collapse (Gibson et al., 2015; Gregory et al., 2012a,b,c).

Score the interval from the cut to loss of sensibility – Cattle take longer to lose sensibility after slaughter (Blackmore, 1984; Blackmore and Peterson, 1981) without stunning compared to sheep. This is probably due to differences in the anatomy of the blood vessels in the throat (Baldwin and Bell, 1963a,b). Sheep lose sensibility within an boilerplate time of 2–14 s with good cutting technique. In cattle, some animals may require over a infinitesimal to lose sensibility. Careful technique will shorten the time required for cattle to plummet (lose posture and no longer be able to stand) after the cutting. Plummet is the initial indicator of onset of insensibility. When poor technique was used, only 68% of the cattle complanate within 30 seconds and skillful technique increased the percentage of cattle that complanate within 30 seconds to over 90%. Both the author and Gregory et al. (2012a,b,c) reported similar results where 88% of the cattle complanate within thirty southward. It is possible that loss of sensibility may non exist consummate after the initial collapse. Cattle will lose sensibility more quickly if they enter the restraint box calmly and are cut immediately after the head is restrained with a swift knife stroke. Releasing trunk and head restraints immediately subsequently the cutting also facilitates more rapid collapse.

Use numerical scoring for evaluating falling, electric goad use and vocalization. The per centum of cattle vocalizing should exist 5% or less (Grandin, 2012, 2001a,b). When in that location are bug such as excessive pressure practical by a restraint device, the percentage of cattle vocalizing can ascension to 23%–47% (Bourquet et al., 2011; Grandin, 2001a, b; Hayes et al., 2015). The treatment variables should be measured the aforementioned way equally they are measured for conventional slaughter with stunning. A well managed slaughter without stunning establish can easily attain scores similar to a conventional plant. Measurement of collapse times between the cutting and loss of posture and heart roll dorsum should besides exist used to monitor and improve slaughter without stunning methods.

Cattle, sheep, and goats must exist unconscious before removal from the restrainer – the beast must be insensible and unconscious before it is removed from the restraint box or restrainer and hung on the rail. An animal showing signs of sensibility when hung on the rail is a failed audit. This is the same equally conventional slaughter.

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Evaluating methods of restraint for property animals during kosher and halal slaughter

Temple Grandin , in Preparation and Processing of Religious and Cultural Foods , 2022

xviii.1 Introduction

Slaughter without stunning for kosher or halal has go a highly controversial and contentious issue. There are two animal welfare concerns associated with religious slaughter without stunning. They are the throat cutting itself and the method used to hold the animal in position for the pharynx cut. Most of the concern has centered on the creature'due south reaction to the throat cutting ( Grandin, 1994; Gibson et al., 2009a,b; Sabow et al., 2016; Rosen, 2004) issues with a prolonged menstruum of consciousness after the cut (Gregory and Wotton, 1984; Gregory et al., 2012a,b) or blood in the respiratory tract (Gregory et al., 2008). Sheep lose consciousness more quickly than cattle (AVMA, 2016). This is probably due to differences in the anatomy betwixt sheep and cattle (Baldwin and Bell, 1963a,b). The employ of depression stress calm handling and restraint methods volition help reduce problems with prolonged periods of consciousness after the throat cut (Grandin, 1992, 1994). Cattle may accept greater welfare issues during slaughter without stunning compared to sheep. This would be due to both the greater difficulty of restraining a larger animal and they have longer to lose consciousness. This chapter will comprehend both design of restraint devices and numerical scoring of the animate being's reaction to entering and being held in the device. Improvements in both animal handing and restraint before religious slaughter without stunning will improve animal welfare. The trend in fauna welfare assessment is to motion from resources- or engineering science-based requirements to measuring animal-based consequence measures (Velarde et al., 2014; Welfare Quality Network, 2009; Grandin, 1998a, 2012). In that location will as well be a word of how numerical scoring can be used as role of a plan for continuous comeback.

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Principles for Commercial Supply Chain Managers of Livestock and Poultry

Temple Grandin , in Sustainable Meat Production and Processing , 2022

i.5.v Aversiveness of the Throat Cut

Several studies take shown that the knife cut causes pain (Sabow et al., 2016; Gibson et al., 2009a,b). Gibson et al. (2009a,b) used a knife that may have been too short and information technology was sharpened on a grindstone. A traditional kosher pocketknife is sharpened on a whetstone. This would provide a smoother blade. The second study by Sabow et al. (2016) had no knife description. At the present time, there are no studies where the special kosher knife has been assessed with mod methods using EEG. A study done by Neves et al. (2016) showed that response to a nostril stimulation and a tongue pinch were absent-minded in ninety% of the cattle at 20 and 60   s after cut with the special kosher pocketknife.

In evaluating all types of slaughter, it is important to differentiate between when an animal is definitely conscious and able to feel hurting and when it is definitely unconscious and brain expressionless ( Terlouw et al., 2016). Regenstein (2017) says the same affair with unlike wording, simply it is the same principle. There must be a differentiation between "loss of the power to feel hurting" and "loss of all reflexes in the caput." (Regenstein, 2017). Terlouw et al. (2016) states that animals are definitely conscious if they remain standing, are vocalizing, have natural spontaneous blinking, or respond to the menace/threat test, where a hand is waved in front of the eye without touching. The writer recommends that the animal should non be removed from the restraint device until the above reflexes are absent-minded. The corneal reflex and rhythmic breathing must exist absent earlier invasive assessing procedures are started. The brute is definitely encephalon expressionless and unconscious when these two signs are absent.

Religious slaughter without stunning definitely causes pain when the wrong knife or poor technique is used. To provide the best possible welfare during slaughter without stunning the following steps are required:


Low stress method of restraint – upright preferred. Rotating boxes can also exist operated at an acceptable level of welfare. They are much more expensive and it is more hard to design 1 that will concord the animal in a low stress manner.


The correct long abrupt pocketknife


Highly skilled person performing the cut.


Management that is committed to animal welfare. There are some plants performing religious slaughter that are poorly managed and procedures accept get sloppy. This is due to poor direction that is either hiding behind the legal exemption or a lack of buyers who will enforce voluntary standards.

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Possible Uses of Processed Slaughter Byproducts

Leticia Mora , ... Fidel Toldrá , in Sustainable Meat Production and Processing , 2022


Slaughters generate large amounts of waste product that creates a dandy environmental trouble requiring efficient measures to reduce the management and disposal costs. Parts of byproducts are unsuitable for human being consumption when produced at the slaughter-house but can exist processed for use in human food being known as edible coproducts. Other parts remain inedible. This chapter presents the valorization of coproducts and demands from the food industry, especially in the evolution of high added-value compounds like bioactives and nutraceuticals, also as feed and pet food uses. Other applications of inedible byproducts similar chemical, pharmaceutical and free energy applications are discussed, likewise.

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Thousand.H. Anil , Yard. von Holleben , in Encyclopedia of Meat Sciences (Second Edition) , 2014

Exsanguination Techniques

During slaughter, severance of tissues and blood vessels is carried out using knives of different types with varying thicknesses and lengths. Although ordinary slaughter knives tin exist used for Halal slaughter (Muslim method), length tin vary from 10 to thirty  cm, even longer for Shechita (Jewish method) which is applied without stunning (more than 35   cm for cattle). Shapes tin also be straight and curved. Jewish slaughtermen use specialized knives called chalaf. Much attention is paid to maintaining these knives whose sharp edges must not have whatsoever indentations. Cut activeness can exist a transverse cut, or partly stabbing and retrograde type.

Two exsanguination methods are ordinarily used in slaughterhouses. The first method is commonly known as neck cutting and it involves severing two carotid arteries and ii jugular veins in the upper neck, oftentimes behind the mandibles (jaw bones), and is used to slaughter sheep, rabbits, and poultry. The 2nd method is known equally chest sticking and it involves severing brachiocephalic torso by inserting a pocketknife through the thoracic inlet anterior to the sternum and is used to slaughter cattle and pigs. Breast sticking, also known equally thoracic sticking, is carried out on the unconscious animals presented for exsanguinations in a recumbent position on a cradle or conveyor or hoisted on to a overhead rail. Equally mentioned previously, chest sticking involves severance of the brachiocephalic trunk, a unmarried large vessel emerging from the aorta and leading to common carotid arteries to supply the caput with oxygenated blood to the encephalon and has been shown to be very effective in that brain role is lost rapidly in comparison with neck cutting due to profuse bleeding. However, during slaughter without stunning, chest sticking is non applied equally information technology is non considered to be practical and is probably against religious rules and tradition. Fourth dimension to loss of blood and consciousness following slaughter without stunning can vary and depend on species, techniques, number of vessels cut, and physical restrictions on the rate of bleeding.

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Refrigeration and the safety of poultry meat

S.J. James , in Food Condom Command in the Poultry Industry , 2005

14.1 Introduction

Slaughter, plucking and evisceration of birds results in a carcass with a deep temperature of approximately 40 °C and a surface with a temperature and adue west which are very conducive to the growth of pathogenic and meat-spoilage organisms. The main purpose of refrigeration is to reduce and and so maintain the temperature of the meat below a value that will ensure a loftier-quality, rubber product.

The refrigerated common cold concatenation from slaughter to terminal consumption contains a number of operations designed to reduce the carcass temperature, i.e. primary and secondary spooky, and, where appropriate, freezing. It likewise contains operations, such equally chilled and frozen storage, send, retail display and consumer storage, that are designed to maintain, not change, the temperature of the meat. In addition, producers of poultry products are increasingly using frozen chicken in the grade of carcasses, portions or boned-out blocks of meat equally a raw material. This material has to be thawed, i.due east. be above 0°C, with no remaining water ice, or tempered to between –5 and –2°C for further processing. Frozen poultry is as well normally thawed earlier cooking or further training in catering operations and in the home.

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Animals to Slauhget Like to Be Cradled



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